Is our problem one or two dimensional?

In his lecture ‘Introduction of group dynamics‘ of Forsyth’s Group Dynamics Page (University of Richmond), he suggests two dimensions: conflict vs cooperation & conceptual vs behavioral:

McGrath’s Taxonomy of Group Tasks is based on 2 key dimensions: Choosing vs. Executing (Doing) and Generating vs. Negotiating


If complete, we should be able to map these tasks/dimensions onto daily used ones…

Let’s compare this with the operational/tactical PDCA cycle. Assuming there is a relation with a plan-do-check-act cycle, McGrath’s dimensions could be mapped into the PDCA cycle as generate-execute-negotiate-choose. This assumption would indicate that decision making is not behaviorial at all and is always conceptual.

Let’s abandon the previous exercize and take the strategic OODA loop into account: observe-orient-decide-act. McGrath’s dimensions could be mapped into the OODA cycle as … Well it can’t. There is no task defined which could be translated into ‘observe’. Let’s cheat, just to complete this exercise: x-negotiate-choose-execute.

Of course, models are models and not reality. We cannot really integrate them, although that leads to another question: what if we were not able to stretch our internalized, favorite models when working in complex situations?


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