Dendrites and axons

After reading a book for children and parents about the learning states of a brain (dutch: Breinlink), I realized I forgot to share an interactive sketch which resembles our beloved axons and dendrites.

We start with two persons, who have a dialogue. In this dialogue, the experienced reach and the effective reach are not the same. In the middle we find the effective reach. The experienced reach is highlighted from the red persons persective (first image) and from the yellow persons perspective (second image):



Whether or not this difference between reach stays the same when adding members to a dialogue is questionable:



Suppose we have some interaction in a group of five. Each dotted line represents an interaction between 2 groupmembers. The rosettes in the outer ring represent the interactions per person. The pentagon in the middle is an overlay of all interactions between the 5 persons. Only the reach of the red person is highlighted:


Let’s also suppose these persons all work for different organizations. They all have an organizational backbone. Let’s draw the interactions with these backbones as well:


The picture starts to resemble a small system of brain cells, each with its dendrites and axons, doesn’t it? Here’s a really short video:


Wanna play yourselves? Here’s the applet. Make sure your browser supports Java.


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