NOTE: Timeful is acquired by Google per 2015:
NOTE: Google version is now live in Play store per december 2015:
On the verge of delivering an App-as-a-Research-Tool (ART) myself, behavioral psychologist Dan Ariely , teacher of the MOOC on Irrational Behavior, notified me of Timeful App.
Although it has been a few minutes since our class has been in session, I am hopeful that you remember our discussions on self-control – and particularly with regard to time management (does “hyperbolic discounting” ring some bells?).
In line with the research that we’ve covered, a team of brilliant minds (and also myself) have designed an app to help us when we need it most. Timeful is a time assistant that (among other things) helps you put your To-Dos on your calendar so that you actually get them done. Learn more here.
You can download Timeful for iOS (for FREE!) right here (with a web component in beta and Android in the works)
Timeful learns about you over time, so the more you use it, the more useful it will be. Try it out, and let me know what you think!
Yet another researcher providing apps to (1) build knowledge and (2) guide behavior. Nice.